Cloud Development Environments for Education

Spend less time on course dependencies and more time teaching.

Removing Barriers for Computer Science Education

Our platform offers many benefits that remove barriers for college students to access performant environments. The teacher pre-configures environments for the courses they're teaching, and once enrolled, each student can create their cloud development environment that they access via their web browser. This is ideal for curriculum that requires a team project and every student needs to have the same software dependencies as their teammates.


Students and educators can access the cloud development environments and projects from a chrome-based web browser, supporting remote learning and hybrid models.


We work with you to create a development environment for your students that meets the needs of the course. We can leverage our existing infrastructure or host on yours.


Once enrolled in a course on the platform, students can create and access their development environments. There is no limit to the number of students a course can support.


You can start with one of our pre-built supported languages, or we can partner with you to create a custom image that your students will use for your courses.


The platform supports many platforms to include Windows, Mac, and Linux. Students only need to have access to the internet and a web browser to access their development environment. These environments are the same for each student in a course.

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Teacher accounts are always free. Our team works with university bookstores for bulk purchases and participates in Textbook Affordability and Access Programs. Students are also able to purchase credits for their cloud development environments directly in the application or use our free open-source images locally.  

Step 1

Course Creation

Create a Course

Step 1 is to create a course. Provide course information like course name and section number.

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Environment Creation

Assign Environments to the Course

Every course has at least one environment. The environments are what students are able to select from when they create their development environments.

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Step 2

Step 3

Student Enrollment

Send an Course Enrollment Invitation

Send a course enrollment link to your students. Once students are enrolled they will be able to create development environments under the pre-defined environments

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Frequently asked questions

What languages does the platform currently support?

DevEdu currently supports C, C++, Java, Python & Django, and Ruby & Rails. We plan to add more languages based on customer demand. DevEdu partners with educators to build custom open-source images that can be orchestrated using the platform.

What browsers does the platform support?

Teachers and students will need to use Google Chrome to access the Cloud Development Environment.

Is there a limit to the number of students a course can have?

No, there is no limit to the number of students a course can have.

Is there a way to bulk order credits for the platform?

Yes, DevEdu works with educators and bookstores to provide bulk orders.

How much does the platform cost?

The platform is always free for teachers and $99 for a student credit. Each student credit allows students to access their cloud development environment for 140 days.